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04 February 2015

A Paleo feast in London

Back in Issue One, Ceri Jones told us all about getting back to our nutritional roots with the Paleo diet. While there are loads of hearty Paleo meals you can cook for yourself (see page 38 of Issue One for one of Ceri's delicious recipes), eating out can be tricky. Even if you do manage to find something you can have, you're not likely to get much choice - and surely half the fun of having dinner in a restaurant is poring over the menu and trying to decide between all the delicious options.

So thank (nutritional) goodness for Pure Taste, Britain's first Paleo restaurant, which opened recently in Notting Hill and provides a whole treasure trove of Paleo treats. The menu - which is also entirely gluten-free and dairy-free - offers everything from sourdough to scallops, beef to banoffee and caters to a variety of other diets too, including vegan and low carb. 

As London wakes up to the demand for healthy, ethical places to eat out, an increasing variety of cafes and restaurants are popping up to meet the needs of health-seeking foodies. If Paleo isn't for you, perhaps raw food is more up your alley. If so, look no further then Tanya's Cafe in Chelsea, which offers 100% raw and organic breakfasts, lunches and dinners plus a range of superfood cocktails. So raise your glass of Tanya's Toddy and say three 'chias' to good health!

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