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26 June 2014

Hay fever spike

There has been a huge increase in the number of people visiting their GP with hay fever symptoms this year, with 114% more cases this June than during the same period last year.
It is thought the increase may be linked to the prolonged period of warm weather we experienced early in the summer.

What can you do?    
If you were one of the tens of thousands of people who saw their GP for the treatment of hay fever (or one of the thousands more who no doubt didn't seek professional treatment), now would be the ideal time to start preparing for next summer's hay fever onslaught using one of the alternative approaches outlined in our taster issue.

12 June 2014

Welcome to the Harvest blog

We will be bringing you regular news, stories and updates from the natural world to improve your health and happiness. Keep an eye on this blog and the main magazine website during September 2014 when Harvest magazine – the UK's first in-depth natural lifestyle magazine – will launch.

Harvest will be available as a printed magazine and by subscription only. Join today and be amongst the first to benefit from in-depth articles on improving your health and happiness, with inspiration from nature.