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01 October 2014

Having a plan

I wish I’d realised how important a flexible plan or strategy is to success. I would have saved myself from feeling as though I was trying everything, but still not getting any results. It is so easy to get caught up in following the crowd, or falling for a great sales pitch, especially when it comes to health and wellbeing. However, the truth is a well thought-out plan that suits you as an individual and is the only way to find what works for you.

A plan or strategy brings us focus and, with enough focus, we can move mountains. The secret is to keep it fluid and flexible and adapt it to our own unique needs and circumstances.

When a plan can help
Many people who come to see me are taking a large assortment of over-the-counter supplements and alternative remedies, never quite sure if any of them are working. Others hop from one suggestion to another every few days, not giving any of them a chance to work. Kitchen cupboards are stocked with each of the latest health fad foods, all barely used and already forgotten. Others read up on everything to do with natural health, but never get around to actually putting their research into action. 

This is when a plan can help - even a very simple one.

It can make a huge difference if you can see an experienced natural health practitioner. They will teach you about your own body and provide you with an individual plan and method. The real bonus with this is that you are not so tempted to buy or follow the latest product – unless it supports what you personally need.

Meal planning
If you decide you want to take control of your own health, start with a plan.

Perhaps you decide to try cutting out a certain food. Taking 30 minutes to come up with a few meal ideas will make it much easier to follow this through. You can keep it very simple by rotating just a few meal options – and it will feel less stressful. Over time you can explore new ideas.

You can do the same meal planning when including a new food. For instance some people do not have enough protein and so it becomes easier for them if they plan their meals around the protein portion of each meal.

Adding a new action into our day can be helped with a simple plan. Increasing water consumption can be a difficult habit to get into. A simple plan can help: perhaps using an app reminder/tracker on your phone, making a plan to fill a container each morning to be consumed by a certain time, or finding a fun way of rewarding your water drinking. When you follow a basic plan the whole process becomes much easier on a daily basis.

Plans can change

Sometimes a plan on paper is not so easy or enjoyable to actually do on a practical level. This is when being flexible and adaptable will help. Maybe you need to tweak your plan so that it works for you.

For instance starting the day with lemon water is very popular, but my body just does not enjoy this drink first thing in the morning. Instead I really enjoy my lemon water in the evening. While some of the benefits may be lost, if I plan to drink it at a time that suits my body I'm more likely to stick to this plan and so gain more benefits in the long run.

After all, receiving long-term benefits is the ultimate goal.

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