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05 August 2014

The Great British Gadget Off

A new survey by Barclaycard has found that we are more in to our kitchen gadgets than ever before, with each kitchen owning an average of seven gadgets. The poll suggested that popular cooking shows including The Great British Bake Off and MasterChef have inspired many of us to pull on our chef's hats, open our recipe books and get creative in the kitchen. And with each TV cooking competition involving increasingly elaborate cooking methods, it seems the only way for us humble home cooks to keep up is by buying a few gadgets to help us along the way.

Healthy gadgets
The Great British Bake Off may be better known for its chocolate-smothered profiterole Eiffel towers than for its promotion of healthy eating but that doesn't mean that as a nation we don't try our best to make nutritious food - the survey indicated that just under a quarter of us own a juicer while just over a quarter own a steamer. However, we still like to treat ourselves now and again, with 1.6 million of us owning an ice cream maker.

Do we ever use them?

Whether our more gimmicky kitchen gadgets ever see daylight is a different matter; a question for a separate survey entirely. But here at Harvest we're glass half-full kinds of people and we reckon it's the intention that matters - owning a juicer in the first place surely counts towards your five a day by virtue of how hard you've tried.

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