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24 October 2014

Crystal maze - sneak peek

On behalf of anyone who has ever worried about that long list of ingredients in the deodorant they spray/roll onto their skin every morning, we investigate some natural alternatives. Our intrepid testers tried out two types of crystal deodorant and reported back  a few weeks later.

Extract from Issue One

"Sweating is a vital part of life, regulating our body temperature and ridding us of excess salts. Everyone sweats and most people's sweat produces an odour, though the quality of this odour varies. Perspiration itself is odourless; it is the bacteria on our skin breaking it down that creates the smell. Though we often associate bacteria with negative consequences, these bacteria are a natural part of our skin's biology which thrive in the warm environment of our underarms, so we shouldn't be trying to kill them all off. Think about all those 'good bacteria' in our gut, for example.

Pores for thought

Should we be blocking up our pores? Is there a way that we can eliminate the smell whilst still allowing our skin to breathe? The majority of commercially available deodorant are also antiperspirants, so what else can we try?

For our test we chose two ranges of crystal deodorants; these have the naturally-occurring mineral salt potassium alum at their heart."

See Issue One for full article

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